With the beginnings of European democratization following the French Revolution, “The Age of Napoleon” witnessed an explosion of popular interest in the guitar. Coincidentally, this was also the age of bel canto and the dawn of romanticism. The well-developed singing voice was held in high esteem. It was only natural that the era produced a wealth of guitar-accompanied song. Although much of the solo guitar music from this era is now familiar, and most trained classical singers are at one time or another are exposed to other song and operatic literature from this time, very few of these songs with guitar are known today. Their composers, often famous and successful in their own time, are mostly forgotten, their names and music relegated to the archives of libraries around the world. All of the songs collection of Italian songs from the late eighteenth century were originally written with guitar accompaniment. This anthology is specifically designed as a performing edition. The composers included come from a variety of disciplines. Though some were primarily guitarists, others were opera composers and writers of liturgical music. One was a famous opera singer of the time. It should also be noted that most of the guitar accompaniments are not especially difficult to play, one indication of the wide-spread popularity of the guitar before the piano took over as the preferred vehicle for vocal accompaniment. - content: Domenico Cimarosa, 6 Canti: I Lievi aurette che ascolte,, II Si dice dalla gente, III Or’ che la notte ombrosa, IV Ascolta, inWda, un segno, V Ecco il bel mese odori, VI Se la pena ch’io provo nel seno, Daniel Dottori, 8 Ariette: I Mi giuro che m’ami, II Senza l’amabile – III Te lo giuro, o mio Tesoro, IV Nice bella, Nice ingrate, V Se lontan ben mio tu sei, VI Non le cercate intorno, VII Se io t’amo, VIII Cara Nice, ingrata sei Gaudiano, 4 Ariette Italiane: I Nice dorme, II Una legge più crudele, III Pastorelli fortunate, IV Ti lascierò, mia vita, Federico Moretti, 12 Canciones: I La irresolucion, II La reflexion, III La insinuacion, IV La explicacion, V La curiosidad, VI La posesion, VII El descuido, VIII La ausensia, IX El desengaño, X Consejo al bello sexô, XI El consejo, XII La libertad, Nicola Signorile, 3 Canzonette: I Deh, spiegati sincera, II Lagrime lusinghiere, III Fra le querele e il pianto, Fernando Sor: Lagrime mie d’aVanno (Arietta)
Ferdinando Carulli: 3 Ariette & 3 Romances, op. 3: I Frena le belle lagrime
II Amo te sola
III Ombre amene
I Ecco quel fiero istante
II Parlami pur sincere
III Solitario bosco ombroso
3 Ariette, op.4: I Che fa il mio bene
II Deh, con me non vi sdegnate
III Tornate sereni
Girolamo Crescentini, 12 Canzoncine: I Languir d’amore -II Ecco quell fiero istante – III Non v’è più barbaro
IV Dove rivolgo, oh dio – V: Numi, sei giusti siete – VI Per valli, per boschi
VII Se spiegar potessi appieno
VIII O teneri pensieri
IX Tu mi chiedi
X Dal di ch’io vi amirai
XI Ch’io mai vi possa
XII Clori, la pastorella
Giuseppe Fabricatoriello, 4 Canzonette (In lingua Napolitana): I E la bella m’a cercato
II Me vogli anzurare
III Chi t’a fatta sta bella funnella
IV Piccerè si m’ave nattano
Gaetano Marani: Polacco, Cavatina
Eccomi non ferir, Cavatina – E tiglia cor de verdeme, Cavatina – Lascia diletta Fillide
Domenico Mombelli: Rondo
Domenico Puccini: 6 Ariette: I Aure amiche
II Orgoglioso Fiumicello
III Senza l’amabile
IV Ah, non è vano il pianto – V Non so dir se sono amante
VI Sopra il suo stelo
Vittorio Trento, 11 Ariette: I Ogni donna
II Canto basetti
III La tezzanote
IV Quel augelino
V Che in zegnoso putteletto
VI So miglia l’amore
VII Amore e un guerriero
VIII Son ferito
IX Io ti salute
X Tocco un di dal canto
XI Son pratico in’amore